Metabolitic products of protein, such as ammonia, urea, creatinine,etc, need discharged by kidney. Too much protein intake will increase the burden of liver and kidney, which is not good to our body. After diagnosed as kidney disease, doctors usually advice to control the intake of protein. But some patients not only control protein intake, but also stop protein intake.

There was a patient who just take vegetables,no meat and tofu after he was diagnosed as chronic kidney disease. This action is not only no benefit to his illness recover, but also cause to malnutrition, decreasing of immunity and inflammation, and finally aggravates illness condition. Experts said. 
Experts caution: according to clinical studies, we found that low-protein diet can reduce the discharge of urine protein. While protein is a necessary nutrition to our body, and it is indispensable to metabolism. patients with chronic nephritis and nephrotic syndrome cant take vegetables only, they should take proper high quality protein such as milk, egg,fish meat,etc. 
In addition, bean products is forbidden. Because bean products rich in non-essential amino acid. Long-term intake will cause to glomerular damage and sclerosis so that urine protein appears, whats more, BUN filterated by glomerular, which will aggravate the kidney burden, damage kidney function, make illness condition further deterioration. 
