7 early symptoms of chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is known as the "silent killer", which in the early often no obvious symptoms, but will quietly develop, once the obvious symptoms will be ferocious, most have developed to advanced renal failure, and even uremia The To protect their own health, be sure to let the early symptoms of chronic kidney disease appear prototype.

It is understood that the early symptoms of chronic kidney disease can be divided into the following points to describe:

1, no reason of sleepiness, fatigue
This is an earlier performance, but the most easily overlooked, because the cause of drowsiness and fatigue is indeed too many reasons, especially those who in the cause of "full fight" people, most of them attributed to the work of tension and fatigue.

2, edema
Healthy people may also appear after mild eyelid edema, but soon will slowly subsided. The kidneys of the eyes of the eyelids will always be swollen, and some people will even show the body edema, sudden increase in weight, with your fingers will appear depression depression, and edema is not easy to subside.

3, blood pressure
Nearly 60% of kidney patients will experience elevated blood pressure, but most patients have never had a kidney-related examination, they often try a lot of antihy pertensive methods but not achieve the desired effect, because they do not know the source of disease in the kidney The It is not necessary to judge whether blood pressure is elevated or not, and it is necessary to measure blood pressure frequently.

4, urine changes
Normal urine output of 1000 to 2000 ml / day, an average of 1500 ml / day or so. Regardless of increased urine output or reduced, may be the performance of kidney disease, especially at night, often chronic renal disease signal.

5, increased urine foam
Often there is a protein phenomenon, in general, the more urine foam, urine protein more.

6, low back pain
Kidney pain, discomfort, dull pain or persistent dull pain.

7, loss of appetite
Is the early and most common symptoms of renal failure patients, and toxins retention. At first, most people disagree, to be the disease development, there will be abdominal bloating discomfort, nausea, vomiting, or even increased the number of stool or quality will be thin, this time, the disease has been heavier, which is often the patient had to medical treatment important reason.
